that’s where i want to go …


just came across an amazing art project. digitalstone – check it out …

humanchaos tryptichon complete


hi all!

i just completed my three part humanchaos concept i’ve been working on for the past couple of years. i now have heart beat visualisations from unborn babies, adults and dying persons. that makes the birth, life, death cycle complete.

humanchaos, part Ihumanchaos, phase IIhumanchaos, phase III

art karlsruhe 2010


glad to have had the opportunity to have some of my works on display at the international art fair “art karlsruhe” three weeks ago.  good feedback, some recommendations – not famous yet though 😉Curatorial Partners Stand

quick update


ok for those of you who’ve been desperately waiting for news on my “walk through the chaos” projekt a quick update: i am working on it 🙂

in the meantime i’ve been busy integrating a couple of new datasets into the humanchaos project. the new datasets depict data from sudden cardiac death situations. ie: humanchaos is now spanning early life and death data visualization. to be honest: the latest addition is pretty thrilling to me … i will post images asap.


walkthrough the chaos


hi all!

i’ve been busy over the last couple of weeks, trying to realize a walkthrough solution for humanchaos. so far humanchaos has been a print only project. i think it is time to move forward and make new experiences possible.  the walkthrough will be done in biont3d (by Lutz Westermann)  a fascinatingly simple and user friendly program.  biont3d sits on top of my cinema4d project and makes the workflow piece of cake. however, i am struggling at the moment to make the walkthrough version of the project look like the ones for print. it is quite a challenge for me to transport the GI and AO settings properly over to biont3d. (being a no-c4d pro!). help anyone?

regards from a wintery vienna


molecular chaos


day three in my life as a blogger – i never thought i would really once do something like that. well as it ain’t hurting too much, let me add another piece of my art today. in fact its the third category in my artistic oevre. i started out with algorithmic chaos first. that is pretty much all about fractals and iterated function systems.  i then developed humanchaos and only very recently i discovered some pretty interesting chaotic structures in quantum movements – i call them molecular chaos.

molecular chaos

molecular chaos

a little background:

quantum physics has been a mind boggling discipline ever since its development some 100 years ago. today scientist keep delving deeper and deeper into the mysteries of this strange discipline of science. however, quantum effects are observable in very small scales only, so that the average person will never realize the strangeness their smallest components of matter displays. together with his colleagues austrian researcher markus arndt at the institute for quantum optics at the university of vienna blazes new trails at measuring traces of quantum effects at scales larger than 1 nanometer. in my artistic work i visualized the trajectory of a nano-sized molecule, showing quantum behavior. ie: its unpredictable chaotic movement over time.


little video update


i regularly do video installations for a luxury hotel in vienna. here’s the latest one.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

it is designed in apophysis, and rendered in flam3. the official hotel version does not have audio – so, to make it enjoyable on the web, i added the audio based on sound files found on the web.

humanchaos revisited


last night i managed to uncover a bunch of really cool perspectives of a new attractor i created from the fetal cardiogram of my newly born daughter luna. over the past couple of months i have found it increasingly  interesting to to see that each person’s cardiogram is as diverse as their personality. the attractors were rendered in cinema4d


check out other perspectives of the luna attractor